Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Westward Expansion Questions

1. What are some of the main reasons that the federal government's policy of assimilation failed?

One reason is that the White-Americans took over the land in the Great Plains that was promised to the Native Americans. Also, the Native Americans were culture-shocked when they had to be "americaninized". They didn't understand the White-American's culture and were sometimes insulted. Another reason, some Native Americans still didn't want to give up their lands, but the White-Americans thought that since the Native Americans didn't really 'own' their land that they could just go in, take it, and become the owners. The White-Americans also didn't like the Native Americans and vice-versa; the Native Americans didn't like the White-Americans. Lastly, the government also promised to give the Native Americans some of the sales or profits from the land that was sold to settlers in the Great Plains.
Think About:
Native Americans' way of life
Cultural differences
Attitude of whites toward Native Americans
Government promises

2. How successful were government efforts to promote settlement of the Great Plains?

The government efforts to promote settlement of the Great Plains were very successful. The idea of giving free land was completely successful, people from everywhere and of every ethnicity went out west and settled. For example, land in Oklahoma was going to be given to settlers for free and before the 'free land' was even posted tons of people claimed two million acres of land, and the state became known as the "Sooner State" because people claimed land before it was even posted. Their goal, however, was not reached because not everyone used their land for farming and cattle farms. Also, the railroad systems plaid a big part because they helped the people settle in the west, to move there. Over all the governments' efforts were very successful because the populations in the Great Plains increased dramatically and the rate of increase was far more than twenty years or more before.

Give examples to support your answer.Think about:
The growth in population on the Great Plains
The role of railroads in the economy
The Homestead Act

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