Friday, September 11, 2009

Expansion of Industry

What were the three major factors that contributed to the immense technological boom that took place in the United States after the Civil War? Explain how two of these factors helped to bring about this technological boom.

The three major factors that contributed to the immense technological boom that took place in the United States after the Civil War were the wealth of natural resources, government support for businesses, and a growing urban population that provided both cheap labor and markets for new products. The wealth of natural resources and the growing urban population helped bring about the technological boom.

The wealth of natural resources greatly helped with the technological boom. Edwin L. Drake used the oil in Texas to sell kerosene and eventually gas. He first got the oil by using a steam engine to help drill through the ground. Also, not knowing that gas was useful he just distributed kerosene for kerosene lamps, but when automobiles became popular he was able to distribute the gas as well. The gas distribution increased the number of automobiles being made, which helped bring about the technological boom. The people also became to use oil to make iron and eventually steel. They found out that if they took away carbon and some of the other impurities in iron they could make steel, which was much more useful to make bridges, such as the Brooklyn Bridge, and skyscrapers. The use of steel increased the technological boom by being so useful to build many structures. The wealth of the natural resources helped build up the technological boom, but so did the growing urban population.

The growing urban population helped build up the technological boom. One way, people began to invent things. For example, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. After the light bulb it lead to the development to electricity. The people invented a way to use and make electricity for fans, newspaper pressers, and houses. Also, even after the invention of the light bulb and the development of electricity came more inventions that helped build up the technological boom. The invention of the typewriter and telephone definitely built up the technological boom. Christopher Sholes invented the typewriter, which allowed women to receive and have more jobs and opportunities for jobs. Then Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, which opened a worldwide communications network. All the inventions created dramatically helped build up the technological boom.

In conclusion, the wealth of natural resources and the growing urban population exponentially helped build up the technological boom. The wealth of natural resources and the growing urban population helped to make America a better and wealthier country. Also, the technological boom was a momentous part of the fast development of the United States becoming a powerful nation.

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